Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Welcome yaaaaaaaallll

Hey everyone. Abel G here. i say g because it throws people off that dont know me. those who do think im silly, and know who i am anyway. those who dont still wont, coz incase this expands, i dont want people to know EVERYthing about me, not too yet anyway, but to keep their attention to this blog everynow and then, which is the aim of this.

i would like to think this blog to be somewhere where people can come to when they are bored, feel free to drop a comment about an opinion they have related to my posts, also to see and hear about funny shit that i undoubtly get up to. (omg i just slipped up on letting you know how awesome i am ! the count is at one)

im going to try make this a communitee thing, and i think with youre help, this could be awesome =]
ofcourse, this is my blog, and therefore it plays by my rules .. which really arent that hard, just love and respect, and if you try pwn someone, it better be funny, or everyone else might hate you.. also i will be adding shit that is on my mind, this place should be awesome to look back on in future, should it last this long.

keep it LOCKED !

1 comment:

  1. ABEL! I look forward to y your future blogs :D

    Hopefully, in the not too distant future, i can join you as a fellow blogger in the blogosphere and we can blog it out. =]


    Keep updating the page man, i'll subscribe :D

    Take care

