Monday, April 6, 2009

What's goooooooooooooood ...

Hello readers !
Bit of spare time so im here to tell you about recent eventssssssss coz we know its always goooooood.

So anyway last wkend was the Golden Slipper.
For the noobs out there, the Golden Slipper is an annual horse racing event !

Almost didnt make it due to drunk spending of cash from previous all nighter.

For some reason, not that there need be, keegan rhys and joel were at keunikes drinking up while keunike was over my house with brogane and mirika asking us to come over. Keunike and I made it over sometime in the AM and after some deep and hilairous conversation we found joel and rhys to leave for the next mornings events. Keegan Keunike and I were keeping to our all nighter promise and were still drinking at 5am, when we decided to head over to McDonalds.

It was my shout, and thanks for Teilman, we were soon chomping on some of the best mcdonalds I've ever tasted [note: im aware mcdonalds always taste better under the influence], might i note:
Keunike: Could I have a long black, because I have one? *falls to ground lauging*

I had to pick him up in tears myself, nobody around found it as funny as us 3, but they were there at 5am.

Yes i realize we were also but with good reason !

Anyway our all nighter crumbled at 7am and we hit the sack, to be woken at 9 45 which was the meet up, to say fuck you ! were sleeping. And we did. Till 10am where we finally got moving and after a nice train ride got to the races.

I ended up winnning $40 on my first race from $5. totally awesome. then lostt $50 from cockiness. Haha. Although gambling is awesome. The boys won alot, cant put the figure exactly, but amazing profit. Good on you guys !

Sunday was slow and spent making a poster which I printed today, shit quality, not happy. And the rest spent with brogdogz, always good.

Now, I am setting up my computer to stream directly to xbox. And looking to invest in a 60" TV which I hope to get in under 3months. Oh and surround sound wouldnt go too bad.

As for this wkend, its Easter, so I hope you's have already thought about buying your loved ones an awesome awesome egg ! woooo !

Also Sat has the Aus' Derby for who-ever is down for that. But if you know whats good, you will be somewhere else ;] pics up after the alternate event ..


update y'all later with thats the hapssssssss as I know them ..

keepitLOCKED <3

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Catch up ..

Well, I haven't really blogged nearly as much as I thought as I would, I'm not sure if thats to do with me being lazy, or just nothing to blog about, or maybe Im not as madd as I think myself to be .. nah who are we kidding, ofcourse its the first !

.. and partially the second.


April is completely BOOKED out, which makes me extremely happy, but my bank account extremely sad. If everyone had Mac's, I could export you to each event everyone will be at and everyone could join in with the celebrations !
Truth be told that most of you readers will be there anyway, but ill be blogging to you on the events and such anyway !

Anyway, today has been an awesome day in amongst the shit days, including seeing Art Express, which had some pretty good work there, The Archibald, which some paintings I didnt want to believe were painted, they were just THAT good.

Also I'd like to add that my kebab was overpacked (legendary) and Taryn would like to comment that her Sumo Salad was also a delicious treat, after which we spoiled ourselves to the candy store, and as a result, would like to begin my timing thing ? for Giant Gobstopper !
Day 1 begins with me being able to see the 3rd layer .. pro, just pro.

Anyway, prob a madd delay till next post, but believe it will be worth it. Tomorrow is races but I dont expect to go too crazy for that, although it will be a good time, and if you can make it, then go !

keepitLOCKED !

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Guarana Lollipops !

Okay so I was walking around my 'hood (yeah influence in last post haha) last night at 3 am because of some silly but would-do-again decisions, and would just like to say it wouldnt have been possible without guarana lollipops !

On the way to school is a shop called
The Happy Herb Shop. It is full of organic crap which supposedly aids you in whatever it says on the packet. I was already familiar with the store from my trip up to schoolies, except the store was called 'Happy High Herb'.

I had gone into purchase Happy Pills with a couple friends which were organic tablets which made you happy. I thought it a stupid idea, but a couple of hours later Keunike found me in the bathtub giggling without reason. Then me and Brendan slept outside of Maccas for an hour till they opened just laughing at random shit. ANYWAYYYYY i wanted to justify why i was encouraged to purchase another item from there ..

So anyway, yes I bought the lollipop, and although at no time during the evening did i notice the energy boost, when i was almost home after a 2hr walk, I realised i was only phyiscally tired, although mentally i was awake as mustard.

So I guess the point is, next herb shop you happen to pass, check out for these things .. at $2 a pop, or $5 for 3, its not too bad price. They claim to have the same amount as in a can, they are deffinately cheaper. Although you cant mix them with vodka (well maybe but you'd be stirring for a bit), theyre delicious, and come in 3 flavours, and you will deffinately seem me with 5 atleast at the next party.

Happy shopping dearest hippies !



yeah i went to see it last night .. without trying to spoil to much (which i cant, its a fucking recount which some people seem to forget), i would relate it to when i finally saw StarWars episode 3, watching Darth Vader's mask close on Anakins damaged face, in that watching the actual footage of Biggie's casket being driven between crowds of masses of people there to see him off before he went 6 feet deep. Although I knew mostly already the story, seeing it appropriated in cinema was and is a deffinate for all B.I.G fans.

I, sadly, was watching it with someone who had no idea who Notorious was, and as a result alot of the movie was spoiled.


As in all true stories, the movie (sadly) finished with the line:
"Christopher Wallace's life showed that there is no dream too big. The sky is the limit."

For fans, the line means something as it is refference to one of his songs, as you all know. except for the doosh i was with, who thought the line was just something cheesy. ill show you something cheesy .. bastard.


But yeah, awesome movie, dont expect madd action or something, its a well described story of his life. Yes, it does feature 'Diddy (Mrs. Wallace: What kind of grown man calls himself Puffy?" HAHAHA!) and 'Pac .. Tupac was obvious to know who he was after he was introduced with a beanie saying THUG LIFE on it .. nice work guys -_-.

Anyways, go out and see it.

4/5 mushi's


UPDATE: I suggest you get the soundtrack, just in case you're missing any songs from the collection like i am, I would link to torrent but dont wanna pass on some copyright laws too early yeah .. shit I'm just getting the discography anyway haha ..

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Note To Self:

graphics for me and avi !

and resize images before upload =P
Heyyyyyyy guyssssszzzzzzzzz ..

i was meant to post like Sunday night, talking about my miraculous wkend, which was nothing less than that.

Friday started off with a trip, and my first time to The Mean Fiddler, which might i say gets about a 6/10 from me. Although I dont exactly have too much to compare it to, I think I hyped myself up a bit from the beginning of the night which started off with us getting on the piss with some much required karaoke, which we all pwned at. What's that ? you want pictures ? NO WORRIES !!!!

Anyway the rest of the night involved the club/bar which like I said, wasn't too bad overall. Some more pics up hey ..

More significantly, the following night was Rhys' St. Patricks party, which went off, like I told you it would. Here's some highlight rounds, just so you know what you missed out .. you can check out more pics on people's facebook's ..




and LOL Lanier ! <3 wearing my shirt/nightgown .. haha

PS: Blogging requires more attention that initially thought, it may be a while till I post again, i wanna do this shit right, haha.

MWAH <3>

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

a day in the life

Whaaaaaaddddddddddddddddddupppp everyone. lets start off with i took a look at my other posts, and I too am appalled at my grammer ! so from now, I will try to clean up my act .. (yes I realise Im so far the only person with the problem, but me and my shrink are working it out..)

So anyway, lets begin with whats going with .. me.

Well as we all know, this weekend consists of St. Patricks Day ! .. a day to celebrate being Irish (which there is a bit in all of us), drink ridiculous amounts of beer (if youre lucky enough, GREEN beer..) and wear stupid elfy green shit without being afraid of social ridicule .. awesome !

The official day is Sunday to my knowledge, and me and a couple friends will begin celebrating from friday afternoon till Sunday night .. please believe, there willl be pics up, including my evaluation of each event ..

And finally, spent the day with someone who im sure she want s a shout out, but imma keep names out for now,
who is pretty amazing, unlike my blog has been so far .. hopefully after this wkend ill have some material for you to peep on.

keep it locked