Thursday, April 2, 2009

Catch up ..

Well, I haven't really blogged nearly as much as I thought as I would, I'm not sure if thats to do with me being lazy, or just nothing to blog about, or maybe Im not as madd as I think myself to be .. nah who are we kidding, ofcourse its the first !

.. and partially the second.


April is completely BOOKED out, which makes me extremely happy, but my bank account extremely sad. If everyone had Mac's, I could export you to each event everyone will be at and everyone could join in with the celebrations !
Truth be told that most of you readers will be there anyway, but ill be blogging to you on the events and such anyway !

Anyway, today has been an awesome day in amongst the shit days, including seeing Art Express, which had some pretty good work there, The Archibald, which some paintings I didnt want to believe were painted, they were just THAT good.

Also I'd like to add that my kebab was overpacked (legendary) and Taryn would like to comment that her Sumo Salad was also a delicious treat, after which we spoiled ourselves to the candy store, and as a result, would like to begin my timing thing ? for Giant Gobstopper !
Day 1 begins with me being able to see the 3rd layer .. pro, just pro.

Anyway, prob a madd delay till next post, but believe it will be worth it. Tomorrow is races but I dont expect to go too crazy for that, although it will be a good time, and if you can make it, then go !

keepitLOCKED !

1 comment:

  1. art express was mediocre. the vids were good though, only some I think deserve being there. The Archibald however, that was worthy of my previous post!
