Thursday, March 19, 2009

Guarana Lollipops !

Okay so I was walking around my 'hood (yeah influence in last post haha) last night at 3 am because of some silly but would-do-again decisions, and would just like to say it wouldnt have been possible without guarana lollipops !

On the way to school is a shop called
The Happy Herb Shop. It is full of organic crap which supposedly aids you in whatever it says on the packet. I was already familiar with the store from my trip up to schoolies, except the store was called 'Happy High Herb'.

I had gone into purchase Happy Pills with a couple friends which were organic tablets which made you happy. I thought it a stupid idea, but a couple of hours later Keunike found me in the bathtub giggling without reason. Then me and Brendan slept outside of Maccas for an hour till they opened just laughing at random shit. ANYWAYYYYY i wanted to justify why i was encouraged to purchase another item from there ..

So anyway, yes I bought the lollipop, and although at no time during the evening did i notice the energy boost, when i was almost home after a 2hr walk, I realised i was only phyiscally tired, although mentally i was awake as mustard.

So I guess the point is, next herb shop you happen to pass, check out for these things .. at $2 a pop, or $5 for 3, its not too bad price. They claim to have the same amount as in a can, they are deffinately cheaper. Although you cant mix them with vodka (well maybe but you'd be stirring for a bit), theyre delicious, and come in 3 flavours, and you will deffinately seem me with 5 atleast at the next party.

Happy shopping dearest hippies !

1 comment:

  1. blog's looking good my man... you should post pics up tho :)
