Wednesday, March 11, 2009

a day in the life

Whaaaaaaddddddddddddddddddupppp everyone. lets start off with i took a look at my other posts, and I too am appalled at my grammer ! so from now, I will try to clean up my act .. (yes I realise Im so far the only person with the problem, but me and my shrink are working it out..)

So anyway, lets begin with whats going with .. me.

Well as we all know, this weekend consists of St. Patricks Day ! .. a day to celebrate being Irish (which there is a bit in all of us), drink ridiculous amounts of beer (if youre lucky enough, GREEN beer..) and wear stupid elfy green shit without being afraid of social ridicule .. awesome !

The official day is Sunday to my knowledge, and me and a couple friends will begin celebrating from friday afternoon till Sunday night .. please believe, there willl be pics up, including my evaluation of each event ..

And finally, spent the day with someone who im sure she want s a shout out, but imma keep names out for now,
who is pretty amazing, unlike my blog has been so far .. hopefully after this wkend ill have some material for you to peep on.

keep it locked

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