Tuesday, March 10, 2009

couldnt wait ..

Okay, its been less than like 10min since last post but i already know this page requires some depth .. and so im going to post some more useless bullshit, including whats probably going to be in this board in time to come.
this includes

* music - not too much, just shizz that i feel i have to share that its THAT good.
*games - i dont have many gamer friends, but who knows who is reading, and i like to talk about them.
*news - because i like reading Times, and giving my own opinion on them
random facts - because everyone likes random did you knows .. right ?
*jokes - oh man if there is something funny this is going to now be the second place i run to .. (first is probably one of the homies)
*programs - this prob wont be so popular seeing as ive made the (right) switch to Apple, but i will post anyway for those who are (rightly) making the switch, and for those to know what theyre missing out on.
*events - i do some pretty madd shit and i will be showing it off to yall
+ more shit i cant think of now

oh && id also like to have people email or drop a comment/private msg on shit theyd like shown off .. i love shit where people get owned, theyre the best ..

i dont know what i will begin with, or how thorough i will be. im just getting into the gears of my tertiary schooling now, and if that demands more of my time ill be heaps slow on this .. but yeh for now pretty keen on this whole prospect and you will hear about this on a later date .. for now, school starts tomorrow, and im glad to the people who have already shown interest in my blog as bland as is it is ..

one love, keep it locked !

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