Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Heyyyyyyy guyssssszzzzzzzzz ..

i was meant to post like Sunday night, talking about my miraculous wkend, which was nothing less than that.

Friday started off with a trip, and my first time to The Mean Fiddler, which might i say gets about a 6/10 from me. Although I dont exactly have too much to compare it to, I think I hyped myself up a bit from the beginning of the night which started off with us getting on the piss with some much required karaoke, which we all pwned at. What's that ? you want pictures ? NO WORRIES !!!!

Anyway the rest of the night involved the club/bar which like I said, wasn't too bad overall. Some more pics up hey ..

More significantly, the following night was Rhys' St. Patricks party, which went off, like I told you it would. Here's some highlight rounds, just so you know what you missed out .. you can check out more pics on people's facebook's ..




and LOL Lanier ! <3 wearing my shirt/nightgown .. haha

PS: Blogging requires more attention that initially thought, it may be a while till I post again, i wanna do this shit right, haha.

MWAH <3>

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