Thursday, March 19, 2009



yeah i went to see it last night .. without trying to spoil to much (which i cant, its a fucking recount which some people seem to forget), i would relate it to when i finally saw StarWars episode 3, watching Darth Vader's mask close on Anakins damaged face, in that watching the actual footage of Biggie's casket being driven between crowds of masses of people there to see him off before he went 6 feet deep. Although I knew mostly already the story, seeing it appropriated in cinema was and is a deffinate for all B.I.G fans.

I, sadly, was watching it with someone who had no idea who Notorious was, and as a result alot of the movie was spoiled.


As in all true stories, the movie (sadly) finished with the line:
"Christopher Wallace's life showed that there is no dream too big. The sky is the limit."

For fans, the line means something as it is refference to one of his songs, as you all know. except for the doosh i was with, who thought the line was just something cheesy. ill show you something cheesy .. bastard.


But yeah, awesome movie, dont expect madd action or something, its a well described story of his life. Yes, it does feature 'Diddy (Mrs. Wallace: What kind of grown man calls himself Puffy?" HAHAHA!) and 'Pac .. Tupac was obvious to know who he was after he was introduced with a beanie saying THUG LIFE on it .. nice work guys -_-.

Anyways, go out and see it.

4/5 mushi's


UPDATE: I suggest you get the soundtrack, just in case you're missing any songs from the collection like i am, I would link to torrent but dont wanna pass on some copyright laws too early yeah .. shit I'm just getting the discography anyway haha ..

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