Monday, April 6, 2009

What's goooooooooooooood ...

Hello readers !
Bit of spare time so im here to tell you about recent eventssssssss coz we know its always goooooood.

So anyway last wkend was the Golden Slipper.
For the noobs out there, the Golden Slipper is an annual horse racing event !

Almost didnt make it due to drunk spending of cash from previous all nighter.

For some reason, not that there need be, keegan rhys and joel were at keunikes drinking up while keunike was over my house with brogane and mirika asking us to come over. Keunike and I made it over sometime in the AM and after some deep and hilairous conversation we found joel and rhys to leave for the next mornings events. Keegan Keunike and I were keeping to our all nighter promise and were still drinking at 5am, when we decided to head over to McDonalds.

It was my shout, and thanks for Teilman, we were soon chomping on some of the best mcdonalds I've ever tasted [note: im aware mcdonalds always taste better under the influence], might i note:
Keunike: Could I have a long black, because I have one? *falls to ground lauging*

I had to pick him up in tears myself, nobody around found it as funny as us 3, but they were there at 5am.

Yes i realize we were also but with good reason !

Anyway our all nighter crumbled at 7am and we hit the sack, to be woken at 9 45 which was the meet up, to say fuck you ! were sleeping. And we did. Till 10am where we finally got moving and after a nice train ride got to the races.

I ended up winnning $40 on my first race from $5. totally awesome. then lostt $50 from cockiness. Haha. Although gambling is awesome. The boys won alot, cant put the figure exactly, but amazing profit. Good on you guys !

Sunday was slow and spent making a poster which I printed today, shit quality, not happy. And the rest spent with brogdogz, always good.

Now, I am setting up my computer to stream directly to xbox. And looking to invest in a 60" TV which I hope to get in under 3months. Oh and surround sound wouldnt go too bad.

As for this wkend, its Easter, so I hope you's have already thought about buying your loved ones an awesome awesome egg ! woooo !

Also Sat has the Aus' Derby for who-ever is down for that. But if you know whats good, you will be somewhere else ;] pics up after the alternate event ..


update y'all later with thats the hapssssssss as I know them ..

keepitLOCKED <3

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